Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan

Publish date: 2024-09-01

Guided by this season’s theme, making it in America, four-time New York Times bestselling author Kelly Corrigan endeavors to discover the things we need at all levels to not only to succeed in this country but to make it our home.

The show also dives deep into each guest’s life to pull out poignant lessons they hope others can use to find their own calling or better understand themselves. Touching on themes like self-belief, community, humility, and resilience, this series normalizes the human condition and emphasizes our capacity to grow.

Each episode ends with a special “Plus One” segment, in which guests are invited to thank those that have supported them along their journey. Such is a reminder that success is the result of joined efforts and that all of us are touched by the ripples of other’s contributions.

Each episode in Season 6 of "Tell Me More" hopes to leave you with some lessons to implement in your own lives and hope that, little by little, we can all rise in America together.
