Where is frontalis muscle located?

Publish date: 2024-08-13

The frontalis muscle is a thin, wide, four-sided muscle located at the top front of the skull (in the area of the forehead). Specifically, this muscle originates from the galea aponeurotica and extends down the forehead and inserts or attaches to the skin around the eyebrows and top of the nose.Click to see full answer. Keeping this in consideration, what is the insertion of the frontalis muscle? Orbicularis oculi muscle Subsequently, question is, are there muscles in the forehead? Muscles and aponeurosis of the forehead. This layer is composed of the elevator muscle (frontalis) and the depressor muscles (procerus, corrugator supercilii, orbital portion of the orbicularis oculi). Likewise, where is the Occipitalis muscle located? As it was mentioned before, the occipitalis muscle is located near the back of the skull. Specifically, this muscle begins at the outer part of the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone (this is where the muscle gets its name) as well as the mastoid process of the temporal bone.What muscle is used in smiling? Zygomaticus major
